
Shifting Left and Right to Ensure Full Application Security Coverage

Web Applications continue to be one of the primary attack vectors that lead to breaches at organizations all over the world. As more and more organizations adopt DevOps and CI/CD workflows, there has been an added push to shift security testing to earlier stages in the software development lifecycle. Finding flaws earlier can save precious time as release cycles become faster, however, what happens once an application is running? With the ever-changing threat landscape that organizations function in today, even an application that was developed as securely as possible can become vulnerable over time as attackers uncover new ways to exploit weaknesses. Organizations who do not continue to test their running web applications risk missing exploitable vulnerabilities that could lead to a breach.

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What will you learn?

- The importance of performing Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) on web applications during your testing and QA phases to catch exploitable vulnerabilities before you release that static testing alone cannot find

- How establishing a recurring schedule of DAST scans on your running web applications can help your organization discover new vulnerabilities and help you reduce your risk of a breach.