Free Discovery Offer Agreement

Veracode will only conduct its Discovery Solution against hosts, domains, sub-domains, and/or IP addresses your company owns or controls and by choosing to move forward with this free trial of the Discovery Solution, you are acknowledging ownership/control of such properties and are authorizing Veracode to conduct the Discovery Solution against such properties. The free trial of the Discovery Solution will be provided as is and without any warranties of any kind.

What do I need to do?

You can just start with or list multiple domains - it's up to you! The more you list, the more we find. On average, Veracode finds 30% more websites than companies know about.

Is Veracode looking for vulnerabilities or "hacking" into my system?

No. Discovery will only find the home page of each website and will not probe your website for flaws or vulnerabilities. Discovery is a solution designed to run with no impact to production systems. It performs DNS requests and lightweight web requests that are virtually indistinguishable from ordinary day-to-day Internet traffic; it is completely benign and harmless to systems it discovers.

Will Veracode find sensitive information?

Absolutely not! Our scanner only finds public-facing web applications that may have been posted by a past marketing team or acquired during M&A. These websites are currently online, open to the public, and can be found in other ways by the “bad guys”. We just want you to know it exists so you can properly remove or secure it.