
How Veracode Supports Your Complete Application Security Program

A complete application security program starts with the applications you develop in-house, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to secure the entire application layer, including the applications you assemble from open source and third-party code components, buy off the shelf or outsource. This guide shows you how Veracode enables application security at every stage of the development lifecycle, third-party software, and production applications.

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What will you learn?

Use this guide to identify opportunities to integrate Veracode into your application security program. See how Veracode can help you to:

  • Go beyond static testing to develop applications securely during the coding stage

  • Detect and prevent attacks in production, and identify vulnerabilities in third-party code and commercial software

  • Integrate security testing with your existing toolchain including IDE, build, ticketing and SEIM, using APIs and plugins

  • Fix the flaws you find and train development teams to prevent vulnerabilities

To learn more about how Veracode supports your complete application security program, download the free guide now.